Can You Claim Compensation for Repetitive Strain Injuries in Northern Ireland?

Repetitive injuries occur when body tissues become damaged through overuse. When muscles and tendons endure repeated injuries, they can cause health problems which may impact an individual’s ability to work.

When a repetitive strain injury becomes so painful that it negatively affects your life, you could do something about it. If your RSI was not your fault but was caused through repetitive motions in the workplace, then you could claim compensation for your injuries.

What is a Repetitive Strain Injury?

Repetitive strain injuries happen when you over use the soft tissues of your body. This includes your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissues. Overuse can lead to the muscles weakening, aching, and even failing.

Symptoms of RSI might cluster in specific muscle groups or areas of your body. You could experience numbness and tingling, cramps, trouble moving fingers or toes, swelling, and other aches and pains.

Can You Claim Compensation for RSI?

You can claim compensation for repetitive strain injuries in Northern Ireland if you can prove that the injury occurred as a result of someone else’s wrongdoing.

For example, a waitress with RSI in her hands might never have developed the condition if it were not for carrying multiple plates at her work every day. Similarly, post office workers can develop RSI conditions in their hands due to the nature of their work.

Types of Repetitive Strain Encountered at Work Include:

  •       Back, leg, neck, and arm strain from heavy lifting
  •       Incorrect seating or office equipment
  •       The use of tools which vibrate
  •       Impactful movements, such as using a hammer
  •       Repetitive use of incorrect tools
  •       A lack of safety equipment such as proper footwear or PPE

What is Type 1 RSI?

To help NI courts to understand your condition, repetitive strain injuries are grouped into two types.

Type 1 RSI is where the damage is measurable via medical equipment. This includes injuries such as golfers elbow, carpel tunnel syndrome in the fingers and hands, or other injuries you might detect using an MRI machine.

What is Type 2 RSI?

Type 2 RSI strains are less easy to pinpoint. These may include wandering pains, symptoms which differ daily, and aches and pains which you cannot detect via x-rays or MRI scans.

How Do You Prove a Repetitive Strain Injury?

If you have RSI type 1 strains then you can prove your injuries using medical equipment. Type 2 RSI strains are more difficult to prove.

You will need to consult a doctor and eliminate other possible medical problems which might explain your pains. You will need the doctor to confirm the diagnosis of Repetitive Strain Injury. You may need to attend further medical sessions with a specialist for treatment.

Attend all of your medical appointments and take notes of times, dates, and travel costs. We recommend you keep a diary of events as you go.

What is an RSI Compensation Claim Worth?

Compensation claim awards for repetitive strain injuries will vary from person to person. There is no real way to tell how much your claim is worth without consulting a specialist solicitor who knows more.

Contact Lacey Solicitors Today

Reach out to Lacey Solicitors today to discuss the details of your repetitive injury compensation claim in Northern Ireland. We can offer legal help, advice, and support through the pain.