Insurers are likely to welcome Discount Rate changes

Insurers are likely to welcome the news that the Northern Ireland Personal Injury Discount Rate is to be set at +0.5%. The rate that it replaces had been set at -1.5%. In contrast the rate is still lower than the rate in the Irish State which stands at +1.5%.

The Government Actuary Department announced the rate following its report on the 24thSeptember 2024. The rate in Scotland has been raised from -0.75% to +0.5%.

The Discount Rate is used to determine lump sum damages awards in serious and catastrophic injury claims, where awards are made for future losses. The lump sum payments are intended to provide people with full and fair financial compensation for all expected losses and costs caused by their injuries.

Where part of a claim for future losses is settled as a cash amount, the lump sum is calculated allowing for the period over which losses and costs are expected to be met and the assumed investment return that the individual is expected to earn on the award over time. Factors taken into consideration include, the investment period, allowance for tax and investment expenses, damages inflation assumption and a notional investment portfolio.

The raise in the Discount Rate was expected, following a recent sharp rise, after a lengthy period of historically low interest rates.

How Much is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

Thinking of making a claim for compensation for a personal injury in Northern Ireland? How much is your personal injury claim worth and how much compensation should you receive?

The answer is not straightforward and changes for each individual case. Injuries and accidents happen every day in Belfast. Whether the accident happened on the road, at work or somewhere else, if it was not your fault, you may be able to claim for compensation.  

If you suffer an injury and someone else is to blame, then Lacey solicitors could help you obtain any compensation that you are entitled to. Our legal team takes an expert approach to personal injury and liability claims. Lacey Solicitors can give an estimate of how much we think your personal injury claim is worth depending on your injuries and circumstances.  

What is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

Assessing an injury claim is not an exact science. The level of compensation will depend upon several factors. 

Factors which impact the worth of a personal injury claim include:

  1. A person’s age and pre-accident health
  2. The type and severity of injury sustained
  3. Any long-term prognosis
  4. The medical care provided to date and any future medical expenses
  5. The impact on a person’s life and career
  6. Whether your own actions contributed to any of the injuries sustained

More serious injuries will attract a higher level of damages with Catastrophic injury claims such as quadriplegia attracting awards from the court of up to £870,000.00.

What is my Severe Brain Injury Claim Worth?

Compensation for very severe Brain Injuries ranges from £500,000.00 to £850,000.00.

What is my Road Traffic Accident Claim Worth?

Road traffic accidents often result in minor neck injuries such as whiplash. For minor neck injuries where a recovery is made within 6 months the compensation should be up to £5000.00. Where recovery takes longer and full recovery is not until 24 months, compensation should be up to £17,500.00.

What is My Industrial Disease Claim Worth?

Our office deals with a number of Industrial Disease claims, where pleural plaques can achieve up to £22,000.00. Severe Asbestosis claims result in compensation of up to £125,000.00.

What else can I claim for?

As well as claiming compensation for the pain and suffering from your injuries, you can make a claim for specific financial losses also known as “special damages.”

Suppose you are injured in a road traffic accident where someone drives into the rear of your car.  As well as your injuries, the car may require repairs carried out, you may have a hire car to keep you on the road, you may take time off work and may have lost earnings.  

Special damages essentially make up your out-of-pocket expenses and their purpose is to compensate you for those additional costs caused, or reasonably expected to occur, as a result of the accident.

Some of the most common types of special damages include:

  • Damaged items
  • Loss of earnings both past and future.
  • Repairs to vehicles
  • Medical care both past and future.
  • Travel expenses
  • Rehabilitation costs.
  • Specialist equipment such as hearing aids or prosthetics.

For the initial steps to take to assist your legal team in making a claim for compensation  consider our previous article.

What is the Average Payout for a minor back injury in Northern Ireland (UK)?

The average payout for a personal injury claim in Northern Ireland differs based upon the nature of your injuries. 

For a minor back injury where a full recovery takes place without surgery within a period of more than 6 months and less than 24 months, the level of compensation should be up to £22,500.00.

What is the Average Payout for a Personal Injury Claim?

Since the nature of personal injuries differs greatly it is impossible to work out an average payout on a case-by-case basis. 

How Much do you get for Whiplash in NI?

Whiplash injuries are neck injuries that occur when the neck is suddenly and forcefully moved back and forth, similar to the cracking of a whip. They are often experienced in rear-end car crashes but can be caused by other types of trauma such as falls and sports accidents.

For a minor back injury where there is a full recovery within a period of 6 to 12 months, the level of compensation should be up to £7500.00.

Get Legal Help for Your Compensation Claim

Lacey Solicitors are here to guide you through your claim for compensation after an accident or injury. Contact us today to discuss our services and how we can help you.



Whiplash figures:

Compensation figures:


What Are The Most Common Personal Injury Claims In Northern Ireland?

Those who suffer from a personal injury that was not their fault can bring a claim for compensation against those responsible. But what are the most common personal injury claims in Northern Ireland? Lacey Solicitors deal with all types of injury claim but this article focuses on the most common.

Whilst injuries and accidents occur often in life, a great number of these accidents are entirely avoidable. If you have had an accident in Northern Ireland that was preventable and not your fault, and you suffered an injury, then you could bring a claim for compensation. But what are the most common types of personal injury claims?

Whether you were involved in a rear end accident in Belfast or fell from a height while working in Ballymena, if the accident was not your fault, a solicitor can assist you in making a claim for compensation. These accidents often result in medical costs, travel costs, and loss of income and specialist personal injury solicitors can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Bringing a personal injury claim against the at fault party is best tackled with the help of a professional.  Lacey Solicitors have 15 years of experience in handling claims through providing excellence in legal advice. Allow us to help you make a claim for compensation to recover your losses after an accident.

What are the Most Common Types of Personal Injury Claim?

There are several types of personal injury claims which take place in Northern Ireland every year. The most common concentration of claims take place in Belfast. Road traffic accidents make up the greatest number of compensation claims each year with around 7000 claims brought annually.   

Second to road traffic accidents as the most common type of personal injury in NI comes workplace injuries. There are approaching 2,000 personal injury claims each year over accidents at work. Workplace injuries might include tripping, falling, injuries from using machinery, repetitive strain injuries, and other negligence claims.

What Types of Personal Injury can you Claim Compensation for?

Compensation can be awarded for any physical injury.  

Some of the most common physical injuries seen by our office in Belfast are:

  • Repetitive Strain Injuries from office workers using the wrong PPE and equipment.
  • Back injuries from accidents or lifting incorrectly, improper training, or bad seating.
  • Slips, trips, falls, and falls from height are extremely common claims seen by this office where the circumstances range from uncleaned spills, uneven pavements and hazards blocking the way.
  • Soft tissue, muscular, and tendon injuries.
  • Hearing loss and tinnitus due to occupational noise levels.
  • Burns and scarring.
  • Whiplash injuries.
  • Serious injuries – including brain injury, spinal cord trauma, amputations, asbestos related illnesses, electrical injuries, or broken bones.

How Long Does a Personal Injury Claim Take in Northern Ireland?

We use our best endeavours to progress your matter as quickly and efficiently as possible.  It is difficult at the beginning of a case to accurately forecast how long a legal matter will take to complete. 

Often, our pace is dependent on the level of cooperation from all other parties involved.  Most uncomplicated injury matters take around six to twelve months to complete.    More complicated matters may take longer to reach settlement. The timescale involved will depend on how soon we obtain an admission of liability from the third party’s insurance company and how soon your medical evidence can be completed.

You will usually have three years from the date of knowledge of your injury to bring your claim for compensation as outlined by the  Limitation Order here which governs time limits for making various claims.  

Our advice is always to speak to a solicitor specialising in personal injury claims as soon as possible.

Professional Help for Personal Injury Claims in Northern Ireland

Lacey Solicitors are experienced in guiding people through the personal injury compensation claim process. Contact us today should you wish to discuss whether we can help you make a claim and recover your losses after an accident.




The Steps To Take After an Accident in NI for a Successful Personal Injury Claim

If you wish to give yourself the best chance at a successful personal injury claim after a trip, fall, traffic accident or pedestrian accident, then there are steps you ought to take immediately following the incident.


Whether you have been injured from a fall, an accident at work, a faulty appliance, or a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be able to claim compensation. Often injuries are preventable and should have been addressed before the accident happened. Choosing a solicitor that has the skill and experience to act on your behalf is one of the most important steps. 


Here are the other steps you can take to maximise your chances of a successful personal injury claim.


Had an Accident? Take These Steps to Protect Your Interests


You should start this sequence of events immediately following your accident or injury. The sooner you can start the process, the better the evidence you can gather.


1 – Ensure Your Own Safety


Your primary responsibility is to make yourself safe, then make any dependants safe. In the case of a pedestrian accident or road traffic accident this includes not rushing back into danger to help others. 


Call 999 and get medical assistance. You can only start to help others when you are safe yourself. 


2 – Seek Medical Treatment


If you were injured, concentrate on your recovery and becoming well again. Take the initial time to focus on what your own doctors advise you to do. If you do not require a hospital visit, speak to your GP for advice about your recovery.


3 – Report the Accident


Reporting the accident to the relevant authority is an important step in the process. If the accident happened at work, report it to your employer. If the accident happened in a road traffic collision, report it to the police. 


4 – Speak to Witnesses


As soon as it is safe to do so, try to speak to anyone who witnessed your accident. Taking note of their contact details means you can later pass these details on to your personal injury solicitor. They will contact them for a statement, helping to form an accurate picture of how your accident went down. 


All this acts as evidence for when your lawyer is dealing with the insurance companies responsible for your potential pay-out. 


5 – Take Pictures


Creating a timeline of events is far easier if the insurer and your attorney have a visual aid which allows them to picture the event. Look for dash cam or CCTV footage. Take pictures of tyre marks on the road or damaged equipment caused by your accident. 


6 – Seek Legal Advice


Before starting the claims process, you should research the best local firms in Belfast. You should look for a firm that specialises in Injury and Insurance claims. LAcey solicitors in Belfast have the skill and experience to act on your behalf.They will give you unprecedented guidance towards seeking compensation for your medical expenses, loss of income, and any future loss of earnings. They are also skilled in the complex laws regarding psychiatric injuries and medical negligence suits. 


Lacey solicitors could be the legal representatives you need to make a successful personal injury claim in Belfast or Dublin. We are known for our accessibility and straightforward approach. We avoid complicated legal terms and, with solicitors specialising in a wide range of claims, contact us today to discuss your options.


Expert Legal Advice is Irreplaceable


One thing is certain: after an accident there is no substitute for expert legal advice. A personal injury lawyer will work with you to achieve the maximum possible compensation that you can claim… no matter how many of the steps above you manage to work through.

Falls, Slips, and Accidental Trips in Belfast – How Soon Should You Start Your Claim for Compensation?

If you have been the victim of slipping on a wet floor, tripping on a hazardous object, or falling in a public place, then this could lead to major changes in your life… A legal professional could help you claim the compensation you deserve.

When slips, trips, or falls happen in Northern Ireland, and it was someone else’s fault, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. A personal injury solicitor will help you to make a claim, giving you the best chance at receiving optimal compensation. Often, your actions could prevent the same accident from happening to someone else.

Whether caused by hazards like uneven pavements, poor lighting, or wet surfaces, falling accidents happen all the time. Here at Lacey Solicitors we are often asked for guidance on how to claim for a slip, trip, or fall injury that was someone else’s fault.

Slips, Trips, and Falls in Belfast

The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland notes slips and trips as the most commonly reported accident within the workplace. Altogether, this single branch of personal injuries in Belfast accounts for a full third of all major injuries at work. In 2023, as many as 10,000 Belfast workers suffered serious injuries caused by tripping and falling. Over 95% of those reported broken bones as a result.

What Injuries Can Slips, Trips, and Falls Cause?

Whether it is slipping on a spilled drink, tripping over a broken kerb or falling over an unmarked manhole, the result can be a variety of injuries and serious harm. In the past 12 months, our Belfast office has dealt with injuries involving:

  •       Broken bones
  •       Head injuries or significant brain trauma
  •       Muscular injuries such as strains or sprains
  •       Cuts, bruises and other lacerations

Last year, our personal injury solicitors dealt with a case in Belfast involving serious permanent facial disability and secured for him compensation for the pain and suffering, as well as reimbursement of his medical bills and lost income. 

When Should You Make a Claim for your Slip, Trip, or Fall Claim in NI?


It is always best to contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss your claim as soon as possible after a slip, trip, or fall. There is a statute of limitations on when you can file a claim for compensation in Northern Ireland. There is a legal time limit during which you are allowed to make a claim. 

What is the Statute of Limitations on Personal Injury Cases in NI?

The statute of limitations upon personal injury claims in Northern Ireland is 3 years. This means that you will need to file your claim for compensation after a trip, slip, or fall in Northern Ireland within three years of the date of your accident. Remember, for childhood personal injury claims you must file within 3 years of turning 18. Time limits can be extended in exceptional circumstances but it is always best to speak to a personal injury solicitor as soon as possible. 

Professional Personal Injury Experts Will Enhance Your Case

To give yourself the best chance of receiving the maximum possible compensation you could be owed, legal representation is a must-have. Lacey Solicitors have a proven track record in providing expert legal guidance.. With our specialist knowledge of personal injury law there is no one to better represent you within the greater Northern Ireland area.

Contact our legal team today to start your claim for compensation after a slip, trip, or fall, in Belfast.