How Much is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

Thinking of making a claim for compensation for a personal injury in Northern Ireland? How much is your personal injury claim worth and how much compensation should you receive?

The answer is not straightforward and changes for each individual case. Injuries and accidents happen every day in Belfast. Whether the accident happened on the road, at work or somewhere else, if it was not your fault, you may be able to claim for compensation.  

If you suffer an injury and someone else is to blame, then Lacey solicitors could help you obtain any compensation that you are entitled to. Our legal team takes an expert approach to personal injury and liability claims. Lacey Solicitors can give an estimate of how much we think your personal injury claim is worth depending on your injuries and circumstances.  

What is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

Assessing an injury claim is not an exact science. The level of compensation will depend upon several factors. 

Factors which impact the worth of a personal injury claim include:

  1. A person’s age and pre-accident health
  2. The type and severity of injury sustained
  3. Any long-term prognosis
  4. The medical care provided to date and any future medical expenses
  5. The impact on a person’s life and career
  6. Whether your own actions contributed to any of the injuries sustained

More serious injuries will attract a higher level of damages with Catastrophic injury claims such as quadriplegia attracting awards from the court of up to £870,000.00.

What is my Severe Brain Injury Claim Worth?

Compensation for very severe Brain Injuries ranges from £500,000.00 to £850,000.00.

What is my Road Traffic Accident Claim Worth?

Road traffic accidents often result in minor neck injuries such as whiplash. For minor neck injuries where a recovery is made within 6 months the compensation should be up to £5000.00. Where recovery takes longer and full recovery is not until 24 months, compensation should be up to £17,500.00.

What is My Industrial Disease Claim Worth?

Our office deals with a number of Industrial Disease claims, where pleural plaques can achieve up to £22,000.00. Severe Asbestosis claims result in compensation of up to £125,000.00.

What else can I claim for?

As well as claiming compensation for the pain and suffering from your injuries, you can make a claim for specific financial losses also known as “special damages.”

Suppose you are injured in a road traffic accident where someone drives into the rear of your car.  As well as your injuries, the car may require repairs carried out, you may have a hire car to keep you on the road, you may take time off work and may have lost earnings.  

Special damages essentially make up your out-of-pocket expenses and their purpose is to compensate you for those additional costs caused, or reasonably expected to occur, as a result of the accident.

Some of the most common types of special damages include:

  • Damaged items
  • Loss of earnings both past and future.
  • Repairs to vehicles
  • Medical care both past and future.
  • Travel expenses
  • Rehabilitation costs.
  • Specialist equipment such as hearing aids or prosthetics.

For the initial steps to take to assist your legal team in making a claim for compensation  consider our previous article.

What is the Average Payout for a minor back injury in Northern Ireland (UK)?

The average payout for a personal injury claim in Northern Ireland differs based upon the nature of your injuries. 

For a minor back injury where a full recovery takes place without surgery within a period of more than 6 months and less than 24 months, the level of compensation should be up to £22,500.00.

What is the Average Payout for a Personal Injury Claim?

Since the nature of personal injuries differs greatly it is impossible to work out an average payout on a case-by-case basis. 

How Much do you get for Whiplash in NI?

Whiplash injuries are neck injuries that occur when the neck is suddenly and forcefully moved back and forth, similar to the cracking of a whip. They are often experienced in rear-end car crashes but can be caused by other types of trauma such as falls and sports accidents.

For a minor back injury where there is a full recovery within a period of 6 to 12 months, the level of compensation should be up to £7500.00.

Get Legal Help for Your Compensation Claim

Lacey Solicitors are here to guide you through your claim for compensation after an accident or injury. Contact us today to discuss our services and how we can help you.



Whiplash figures:

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