What Are The Most Common Personal Injury Claims In Northern Ireland?

Those who suffer from a personal injury that was not their fault can bring a claim for compensation against those responsible. But what are the most common personal injury claims in Northern Ireland? Lacey Solicitors deal with all types of injury claim but this article focuses on the most common.

Whilst injuries and accidents occur often in life, a great number of these accidents are entirely avoidable. If you have had an accident in Northern Ireland that was preventable and not your fault, and you suffered an injury, then you could bring a claim for compensation. But what are the most common types of personal injury claims?

Whether you were involved in a rear end accident in Belfast or fell from a height while working in Ballymena, if the accident was not your fault, a solicitor can assist you in making a claim for compensation. These accidents often result in medical costs, travel costs, and loss of income and specialist personal injury solicitors can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Bringing a personal injury claim against the at fault party is best tackled with the help of a professional.  Lacey Solicitors have 15 years of experience in handling claims through providing excellence in legal advice. Allow us to help you make a claim for compensation to recover your losses after an accident.

What are the Most Common Types of Personal Injury Claim?

There are several types of personal injury claims which take place in Northern Ireland every year. The most common concentration of claims take place in Belfast. Road traffic accidents make up the greatest number of compensation claims each year with around 7000 claims brought annually.   

Second to road traffic accidents as the most common type of personal injury in NI comes workplace injuries. There are approaching 2,000 personal injury claims each year over accidents at work. Workplace injuries might include tripping, falling, injuries from using machinery, repetitive strain injuries, and other negligence claims.

What Types of Personal Injury can you Claim Compensation for?

Compensation can be awarded for any physical injury.  

Some of the most common physical injuries seen by our office in Belfast are:

  • Repetitive Strain Injuries from office workers using the wrong PPE and equipment.
  • Back injuries from accidents or lifting incorrectly, improper training, or bad seating.
  • Slips, trips, falls, and falls from height are extremely common claims seen by this office where the circumstances range from uncleaned spills, uneven pavements and hazards blocking the way.
  • Soft tissue, muscular, and tendon injuries.
  • Hearing loss and tinnitus due to occupational noise levels.
  • Burns and scarring.
  • Whiplash injuries.
  • Serious injuries – including brain injury, spinal cord trauma, amputations, asbestos related illnesses, electrical injuries, or broken bones.

How Long Does a Personal Injury Claim Take in Northern Ireland?

We use our best endeavours to progress your matter as quickly and efficiently as possible.  It is difficult at the beginning of a case to accurately forecast how long a legal matter will take to complete. 

Often, our pace is dependent on the level of cooperation from all other parties involved.  Most uncomplicated injury matters take around six to twelve months to complete.    More complicated matters may take longer to reach settlement. The timescale involved will depend on how soon we obtain an admission of liability from the third party’s insurance company and how soon your medical evidence can be completed.

You will usually have three years from the date of knowledge of your injury to bring your claim for compensation as outlined by the  Limitation Order here which governs time limits for making various claims.  

Our advice is always to speak to a solicitor specialising in personal injury claims as soon as possible.

Professional Help for Personal Injury Claims in Northern Ireland

Lacey Solicitors are experienced in guiding people through the personal injury compensation claim process. Contact us today should you wish to discuss whether we can help you make a claim and recover your losses after an accident.




