Accidents in the Workplace: Farming and Agriculture

The farming and agriculture industry in Northern Ireland and the UK has a disproportionately high number of accidents and fatalities when compared to other industries.

Farming and agricultural workers represent approximately 1% of the workforce in Northern Ireland. Nevertheless, this industry has the highest workplace fatality rate of all others. 

Farmers, like any worker, should be properly compensated for their injuries if they were involved in an incident that was not their fault. Seeking personal injury compensation after an animal handling incident, an injury caused by farm equipment, or an injury caused by driving a farm vehicle, is how an employee might look to recover both financially and physically from an incident. 


Serious Statistics Show NI Farm Workers are at Risk of Workplace Injuries


Farming and agriculture is a dangerous industry which has a long history of high fatality rates in Northern Ireland. During the period 2023-2024 there were 8 accidents in this sector which resulted in a workplace death. Of the total of 17 workplace deaths during that same period, farming and agricultural incidents represent 47% of all workplace fatalities.

Speaking at the 12th annual Farm Safety Week in July 2024, Robert Kidd, Chief Executive of the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland said that the agriculture industry had “once again proved to have the poorest safety record of any industry in Northern Ireland.”

Mr Kidd added that thousands of farmers suffered every day due to serious injuries, long term health complaints, and poor mental health.


Common Types of Farming Accidents


There are common types of personal injury which farm workers experience. Falling from height is a common accident on a farm. Stacking hay bales and operating heavy machinery can result in trapped body parts. Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) are not uncommon.

Amputations, loss of limbs, animal handling incidents, and machinery operating are all common causes of agricultural accidents. Slips, trips, and falls are all common on the farm as are catastrophic injuries which can result in death.


Farming and Agricultural Work Accidents Go Beyond Physical Injuries


Here at Lacey Solicitors firm we understand the devastation that a farming injury can have on families. Physical injuries caused by faulty machinery or heavy farming equipment are incredibly difficult to deal with. However, farm trips, slips, falls, or other accidents also can have a lasting impact which goes beyond physical health.

Farmers who have long term health problems after an injury can lose income due to their limited mobility. This can have a knock-on effect on their mental health, leaving them unable to fully provide for their families which leads to financial instability. Seeking compensation for your personal injury at work on the farm could ensure you and your family are protected, should the worst happen.


Bring a Claim for Compensation to Cover the Cost of Farming Injuries


Have you been injured due to an accident on a farm? Do you work in the agriculture sector and need a trusted source to turn to for advice regarding how to bring a claim for compensation to cover the cost of your injuries after an accident?

Lacey Solicitors Belfast are here to help. Contact us today to discuss your options in bringing a compensation claim after your workplace accident.