IRL High Court found that a local authority was grossly negligent where they impeded the Plaintiff’s line of sight whilst crossing a road.

Burgess & Anor -v- Mulholland & anor

Irvine J ruled that the local authority was negligent in a number of respects in relation to its management of this dangerous junction as of the date of the plaintiff’s accident. Firstly, in setting up an alternative pedestrian crossing, it did so in circumstances where it made it extremely difficult for a pedestrian to access the pedestrian signal box to avail of what is commonly described as the “green man” phase provided for within the traffic light sequence. The pole upon which that signal was mounted was located amongst road traffic cones and other debris on an area of broken ground adjacent to the roadway. The location of the traffic light pole on which the pedestrian signal box was mounted was positioned so that any pedestrian trying to access it would have to try to reach their hand around in a blind type of fashion in order to try to depress the signal by exerting pressure on the glass plate to the front of the signal box.

The Court further found that the local authority’s negligence in respect of the configuration of the temporary pedestrian crossing was further severely compounded by the negligence of its servant or agent, Mr. Sutcliffe, in his driving the local authority truck. He drove the vehicle which had a cab 83 inches high almost 25ft beyond the stop line. It was found that the effect of his breach of duty in this regard was that the plaintiff’s intended path of travel across the temporary crossing was impeded, but more significantly, the positioning of his vehicle made it impossible for a pedestrian of the plaintiff’s height to see clearly the pedestrian red/green man signal on the traffic light on the central island to which he had intended travelling.

Irvine J found that in this regard, it was more than reasonably foreseeable that in these circumstances where the plaintiff’s line of sight to the red/green man signal was impeded and where he did not have ready access to the signal box controlling the pedestrian crossing and when traffic was stationary in his favour would decide to cross the roadway without seeking to deploy the pedestrian signal.

The full judgement can be found here:

S.Major, Lacey Solicitors

IRL High Court awards €282,540 in damages to a plaintiff who had sustained ongoing neck and back pain as a result of a road traffic accident.

Richardson -v- Premimionas & Ors

On the 17th January 2008 the plaintiff was in his VW Cabby Van waiting at a junction to make a right turn when a car being driven by the uninsured first named defendant came through a red light and collided with the plaintiff’s van.

After the accident, he continued to suffer back and neck pain which restricted him from carrying out his work. The challenge for the court in assessing the damages due to the plaintiff was that the work, as a scenic painter on the set of films, was of a specific and sporadic nature, with his pay ranging from €55,000 in one year to only €8500 in another.

In assessing damages, Peart J. stated “In arriving at a fair methodology for calculating a loss, I must take into account the sporadic nature of the work concerned… Accordingly I intend to begin from a headline annual average earnings of €36,000, rather than take the best of the years 2007-2011… If one was to work on the basis that in the future the plaintiff was likely to be able to earn a figure of €25,000 per annum, the capitalised loss to age 65 is €114,405.”

The total of general damages awarded came to €140,000. Agreed special damages and future loss of earnings amounted to €142,540, making a total for general damages and special damages of €282,540 for which there was judgment in favour of the plaintiff.

The full judgement can be read here:

S. Major, Lacey Solicitors